Tomorrow I am back to school. You'd think I'd be ready to go but I just keep thinking of all the thing I need to get done it is always overwhelming (Especially when you finally sit down to write your lesson plans only to discover you left your notebook with all your research for the next unit at school over break. Oops! reason #991 not to wait until the last minute for planning.) The funny part is that I can count on the kids being ready to be back and telling me how much they missed art for the last two weeks and then me wondering to myself how I couldn't be ready to be back yet. :)
Today was back to reality for sure. Laundry, cleaning, school work, etc. The good news from today is that my phone did dry out! Yay! I was talking to Deb and about 15 minutes into the conversation the volume magically returned to normal. The bad news is that Jim and I went to watch UFC fights last night at a sports bar and he accidentally left his wallet behind somehow. He realized it about an hour later we went back and it was gone. Luckily I had won all of his cash from him betting on the UFC fights, (Yeah that's how I roll.) and we were able to call and cancel all the cards before they had been used and now although it is/was a lot of busy work, fingers crossed, we should be back to square one by the end of the week.
Oh, and here's a little art too...