Kakes usually prefers dolls to stuffed animals but when she saw my skeletons she kept saying Nene? and hugging them really close. Somehow she just knew I had made them.
I told her I had to keep the skeleton she was hugging but asked her if she wanted me to make one for her. She said, "Yes." I asked her if she wanted a skeleton or a monster and she said, "Monster Nene". I asked her what color it should be, she said, "Red". I asked how many eyes it should have, she said, "One". I asked what color eye it should have, she said, "Nene eye." Buffy said, "Kakes, Nene's eyes are blue. What color eye should your monster have?" She said, "Blue, Nene Eye" I HAD to add the veil to the monster because she was playing Peek-a-boo with the bride skeleton and it was too cute! I will be able to deliver the monster to her this weekend. I just hope she likes how it turned out. :)
I can't wait for Baby Q to start talking too! I'm sure I won't be able to handle all the cuteness!
I don't know which is cuter-Kakes, Kakes' talking or the monster!! All of the above ;)
TOTALLY a journal page!! TOTALLY!!! You MUST write it down!
Nene, why does the red, blue eyed, monster have a heart on his butt? That is too cute.
That is sooo cute! Love the monster and I love her special requests!!!! Adorable!!!
Jeane's mom said...
What you might not know is that Kakes' favorite washcloth has pink polka dots on it. One more reason to love the monster!
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