Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It is hard to get any art journaling done when you are constantly on Facebook! I just joined yesterday. It was easy to clean out ALL of my drawers and closet this morning when everyone was at work but tonight when Facebook was busy with friends it was a different story. :)

Art journal pages from today...

I will be caught up before June is over...I will be caught up before Junen is over...I will be caught up before June is over...


Kelly Kilmer said...

Knowing you, you'll be done in a couple of hours.

Welcome to Facebook, one of the world's biggest time suckers. slurp slurp goes your time ;) LOL

Jamie said...

LOL, the newness will wear off and it will get back to normal eventually. ;)
Where do you find all your awesome images that you use in your journals? They're always sooo great!!!

Jeane Frizzell said...


I'm always on the look out for cool focal images! Most of mine come from magazines. I like Juxtapose and Beautiful Decay a lot! I also just found those Granta magazines and they were amazing! I try to buy magazines at the used book stores if I am looking to BUY just for focal images but I tear up everything! :)