Ayesha, Deb, Ben, Jim and I all did find time to hang out at Santisi's on Friday night which was a nice end to the week.
I received two SASE in the mail on Monday. The first unmarked envelope I'm sure was from my dad due to the contents. It was a set of Harley Owners Group Patches. This is funny not so much because of the Harley part but because we always joked when we were on bowling leagues about the patches that could be won.
The second envelope was from Deb and it contained a picture of Rod Stewart, her all time favorite musician. Deb is seriously in LOVE with Rod and even took me to his concert when he was in Glendale. Rod Stewart could easily be Debs dad and somehow she still thinks he's "hot". Anyway, I digress..the envelope also contained a red feather, on green and one plaid bow, and some snowflake stickers.
On Wednesday I found an envelope sitting on my desk from Jim that had a note that said "Some pics that say it all" and a zip drive. The pictures on the zip drive were all the pictures of our road trip last summer. It was a really fabulous trip with all kinds of memories. (Isn't he cute!)
Finally, on Friday I got an envelope from Amber that had a note and a hospital bracelet. The note says, "This is the bracelet they put on me when I got my hip pinned. Kind of sums up my last 5 weeks." and the bracelet says fall risk. Amber is a trooper! She is pregnant, on crutches, had a hip fracture that needed to be pinned, and is having fun with it.
Also today Jim and I went out to Gilbert to Celebrate, my nephew, Alex's 8th birthday. We went to the Brunswick XL bowling center. A gigantic bowling center with like 40 lanes a full size arcade, bar, and sit down eating area. We had a lot of fun and I can't believe Alex is already 8! Time flies.
Speaking of time flying, while I was out on Saturday I ran into a couple who's son I had in the three year old room at Children's World in high school. They told me it was his 18th birthday. Wow! I might be getting old.