Friday, February 19, 2010

I Have A Little Problem...

but you can help! LOL!

Last weekend Buffy and I were working on invitations to Baby Q's first birthday. At some point in the process of going to my studio to retrieve exactly the thing we needed for the next step in the process Buffy turned and looked at me and said, serriously how much do you think all of your art supplies are worth? This was not a question I even wanted to think about answering!

Pair this with me sorting through all of my supplies because I am finally putting away my supplies from Kelly weekend and you have the I Have A Problem Giveaway! I'll admit it, my personal stash of art journaling supplies is getting ridiculous so here's the deal. :) I will send a 10 x 13 envelope of art journaling supplies to three lucky people who agree not to send me anything in return! :) If you are interested in focal images, random pieces of scrapbook paper, and random doo dads leave a comment promising with your right hand raised not to send me anything to add to my studio. (It's not that I don't want to add to my collection :) It's just that this particular post is about trying to clean out a bit!) If more than three people comment I will have a random number generator, aka Jim, select the lucky winners! I want to mail these packs out on Monday as I am sure it will make me feel just a little better about my problem if I share my stash!

Yay! I can't wait to see who gets/wants the goods!


jane eileen said...

Jeane's mom said...
Will Jim be choosing with his eyes closed?

Jeane Frizzell said...

Chances are good Jim will be choosing while playing Mafia Wars on Facebook. :)

Sandy said...

I'd love to enter. I love all your images and different things you use in your journal. I swear with my right hand raised not to send you back anything. Unless of course you ask for something in the future. Like something from my area. ;)

Sharyn said...

I would love to receive an envelope of awesomeness from you. I cannot,with a pure heart, swear to never send you anything. If I did I would be lying.

Margriet said...

I do solemny swear not to send you anything in return, well, perhaps a picture of what I did with your stuff???? Hahahaha, I love your problem, I'm not having that problem.......YET ;-)

Brian K said...

I do solumnly swear to not send you any crap(oops can I say that on a blog???) I mean stuff in return! Amen!

Mouseybrat said...

i promise not to senf youanything. hardb typing with rigfht hand raised.

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Oh Yay! This blog post must be heaven sent! I am taking Kelly's class and was just saying to myself that I need to gather together more and better art journaling supplies, focals, etc. Yes! And here you are! So, I am entering your wonderful problem contest and promise not to send you anything back but smiles and thanks! Happy sorting and cleaning--that's exactly what I need to be doing in MY house! :D Kathy

Paula said...

What absolute fun! For some reason, everyone else's scraps are so much better than my own!

Tania P said...

I would love to enter too, but I live in the UK, is that asking too much??
I will also swear that I will not send you anything BUT if you do want something different from the UK, I would love to send you anything your heart desires!!

Laney said...

Hi! I found you by way of Kelly Kilmer's blog. I'd LOVE to have some of your "extra" stuff. Just starting into art journaling - getting a blog about it set up. I promise not to send you anything in return - except maybe love and thanks . . .

brigitte said...

Wow! love your journal pages. I would be happy to help you out w ith your "little problem", although i may have a similar one myself.

Taylor schapiro said...

Count me in too. I love other people's toss abouts and am sure they will be used well by me (or my drawer)

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

I swear never to...Would love a surprise package for art journaling, Kelly put me onto your blog and this contest. Your purge is our gain :-)

Kat - Desert Star said...

It would be wonderful to receive a small sampling of your creativity, perhaps it would help mine. As for sending something back I will start with Blessings and many Thank you's.


Joyce said...

I've always loved all the images you use. I would love to win an envelope of ephemera from you.
Thank you for being so generous.


Sharon said...

Kelly's blog just sent me here. I have sooo much stuff, but can't refuse more! So I will raise my right hand and swear that I won't send you anything, because I would not be able to find it if I wanted to. Thanx for sharing the wealth! Sharon

Lori W said...

I just added two new bookshelves to my space I would love some more 'stuff' and I swear with my right hand raised and my other right hand over my heart to not send anything back. I think I met you at FZ - are you that Jeane? Lori from Colorado

Ann K. said...

Kelly Kilmer sent me (and all her readers) here to help you out with your oversupply!! I'd be happy to be in your drawing---your journal style looks right up my alley. Thanks!

Mary K. McGraw said...

I Would love to any focal images, random pieces of scrapbook paper, and random doo dads that I might be so lucky to win. And I promise with my right hand raised not to send you anything to add to your studio.

Sherri said...

Oh I would love a surprise package filled with goodies! Just started art journaling--taking Kelly Kilmer's online class. Thanks for the chance to win your extras!

Anonymous said...

Hehehehehehehe, I emailed your mom last night that I'm going to send HER one of my favorite toys to play with! Don't add my name to the list. If your stash is ridiculous mine, I don't know what mine would be called.

Jeane Frizzell said...

Lori-It is me! :)

Tania- If your lucky number is picked I will mail to the UK. :)

marilyn said...

How cool of you to share some goodies. I'm new to journaling and I'm just getting my stash of stuff built up. I reorganized last week to make more room on my desk. Also I finally found a white pen that works. Pick me. I'm crossing my fingers.

kathy Stewart said...

ohhhhh sounds lovely KLS

martha brown said...

Ummm.. I don't need stuff either -- but the chance of some focal images and some random paper was too good to walk away from :)

Stephen du Toit said...

I solemnly swear that I will not send you any of my excess if you send me some of yours! Oh dear, sounds like Weight-Watchers!

Best wishes,

Stephen in London

Diana said...

Make your problem my problem. I'd love to help you out.

Nancy Lynn said...

You know what they say..Another person's stuff is someone else's treasures. That would be neat to have some different things to work with. Thanks Jeanne.

ayesha said...

Me! Me!

Sandy said...

I would love another stash. Thanks for offering to get rid of your stuff. It's a win-win.

nspiegel said...

You are very sweet and generous to offer these goodies. As I am very new to art journaling, I would treasure your cast-offs and promise with both hands and feet raised not to send you anything in return. Thanks so much. Nancy

Maria said...

I would love to enter. I'm quite new to art journaling, and I'm following one of Kelly Kilmers classes, so these things would be very welcome. You were right that there are so many fun classes around that it is hard to choose, so I will probably follow many more :-)

gayle said...

What a generous idea! Came to visit after reading Kelly's post and glad I did, your projects are awesome!

Ruth said...

Kelly sent me this way too. I promise not to send you anything too.

kitty said...

oooooooooooo..ooooooooo....JIM !! Pick me,.pick me! OOOoooo!! I neeed more goodies!!!!! xoxoxoxka

Anonymous said...

Well, if nothing else, I now have a new blog to follow. Sigh.:) I know the feeling, how many times can one use the same becomes a logistical nightmare. BTW, I would never send unsolicited "stuff", no matter how good. In process of building my own. I'm wondering though, does anyone know of sites where artist trade their "extra stuff"? There seems to be a need, desire, addiction to get MOOOORE, judging from all of the entries, myself included. Greetings and all the best.

bettie said...

I am just starting to art journal and would love some goodies to get me going :) And of course, I will not send you anything if you do not want it

Melissa said...


Unknown said...

I would love to win a bit of your over flow! Sign me up! Twyla

Anonymous said...

I pinky swear I would send you nothing but gratitude :-D Good for you, making room for the new when letting go of what no longer serves you!

Laura T. said...

The last thing in the world that I need is any more art supplies but I can't refuse bc. well..........I'm an art supply addict. Really there should be a 12-step program for people like us. So yes, please enter me in the drawing and thanks!!

Anne Thompson said...

I hereby do solemnly swear that if I win this prize the only thing I will send back to you is my thanks! I'd love a chance to win some of what you are willing to part with even though I have more stuff of my own that I can use in my lifetime! Anne, yourmainestamper

Mary G. said...

Jeanne- I love the images you use in your journals. yYou always seem to find the BEST focal images. Please enter my name. Thanks. Mary Geller

Raine said...

I would LOVE to get some art journalling stuff from you! Any friend of Kelly's is a friend of mine. I solemnly swear NOT to send you anything in return!

Jonni said...

I agree with Paula, everyone elses goodies are better than mine. So send away, and I promise not to send any back.

Sacred Gypsy said...

I arrived here via Kelly's blog. Love your journal pages! I could use some new's a bit like cooking isn't it....always better when someone else makes it, or in this case when using someone else's ingredients!


postal orphan said...

Found out about your giveaway via Kelly Kilmer's blog - may be too late but I figured I'd comment anyway. I'd love to win, and if I do I won't send you anything in return (except grateful thanks, of course) - but I might just fill up an envelope of my own stuff and hold a similar contest on one of my yahoo groups!

Angelika Westermann said...

I suppose I should do some clearing of my own, but I am a journaling junkie and therefore cannot ever have enough paper goodies around...
So please help Jim to choose me ;-)


Do Be Do Bead Do said...

My right hand is raised with my fingers crossed!

crimsoncat05 said...

I have plenty of my own stash, as I am also a "stuff addict," but new stuff is always so much more interesting than the stuff I've looked at before, so add my name to the hat!

RR said...

Oh, surprise art supplies! My little one and I would have a blast with them.