Just when school should be winding down it is really just winding up for the next year. I have been busy working on the scheduling committee, planning for summer school & summer curriculum work, and trying to get both 4th and 5th grade's ceramic clay projects fired. Busy, busy, busy!
On Monday, after cooking dinner, Jim took me to look at new TV's. I don't speak TV so I can't tell you what we were really looking at, but it is Jim's goal to go high def. in 2008. I was asleep on the couch by 8:30.
Tuesday was still dinner with the girls. We went to a Middle Eastern restaurant called Fattoush on 19th and Indian School. It was a tasty little hole in the wall, we loved it. On our way towards home we drove by the house I lived in soon after I was born until 3rd grade. When we found it Ayesha wanted me to get out and take a picture. I wasn't feeling that daring but took one from inside the car. It turned out to be much more fun! (I was so happy that the current owner painted the house. The last time I saw it it had been painted a terrible shade of lime green!)

We ended the evening at Borders. Ayesha needed to pick up a CD but really we ended up spending much of our time in the Paperchase section of the store. I always spend less money shopping with Ayesha. She helps me think realistically about possible purchases. Deb just laughs at our conversations about NEEDING certain items. In the end Ayesha and I decided to split two sheets of paper, I picked up some monster stickers, and a can of pirate bandages which are really just skulls. The night ended earlier than usual and I was asleep on the couch by 8:00.

Wednesday was Weight Watcher's night. I brought Subway home for dinner and we watched American Idol both on TiVo and the live results show. Go David Cook!
On Thursday night I ran to an appointment and then Jim and I went to the Diamondbacks game. This was fun and relaxing, but you know you are getting old when you start to question why making a dress out of baseball t-shirt is a good decision. Really, a t-shirt as a strapless dress?
Finally, last night we went to dinner at a SUSHI restaurant! One of Jim's friends at work made him try sushi at work and he liked it. It was his idea to go! I have been telling Jim he'd like the kinds of sushi that I eat for the last six years! Anyway it was really fun. (More fun for me than Jim he just thought I was silly.) After dinner we went looking at TV's again, not new ones, the same ones, but this is not a decision you rush into apparently.
And this is the really long story of where I have been in case you were wondering.