If you find your self thinking this post is a little late follow to the bottom and you will see the relevance. :)
You might know this about me already but I'm a little kooky about my Christmas tree. :) The first year that I had my own house I just HAD TO HAVE a Christmas tree that was all white lights and silver ornaments. Once I got the breathtaking tree up all of the presents underneath the tree had to be wrapped in silver because by then it was really just one big art project.
Now a couple years later (after much teasing from my friends) I decided that I would try to add light blue ornaments to the tree and naturally the wrapping paper followed. While I also enjoyed the light blue and silver tree I went back to all silver a couple of years later. About two years ago I walked into Walmart, of all places, and discovered the magnificence that was black Christmas ornaments and became obsessed with finding them. :) It is a little harder than you might imagine. You can find one here or their but never lots of them together. (I think that is part of the draw actually.)
This year I started thinking that my obsession with matching the wrapping paper to the tree might be a little silly but once all the gifts were wrapped I remembered why I love to match everything.

Anyway, I went out to buy my wrapping paper for next year yesterday (I never pay full price for wrapping paper. I think it's silly when I could just plan ahead.) and found myself IN LOVE with this red paper with white polka dots! I tried to ignore it but it kept calling to me until I had to buy it! Now if you know me don't faint because I actually found some great red ball ornaments at 50% off and my vision for next year is the red polka dot tree! Mostly silver and black but a few shiny red dots! I am so excited and the excitement of next years tree will actually make taking this years tree down today seem less painful somehow.