Thursday, April 3, 2008

Baby Shower Projects

It is now safe to reveal the baby shower projects that I was working on last weekend. I dared not do it before because you never know who will be reading your blog. :)

First, I made a little brag book for Kelly and little T in the colors of their nursery. I don't make this sort of thing for anyone just for those people I know will appreciate it. One of our friends, Sara, had bought a little book from me for Kelly a couple of years ago for her dogs and she loved it so much she just had to have one for her little guy.

Also, Deb and I teamed up to make this great diaper cake for the shower center piece. It was much easier than we thought it would be and it was a great hit!


Kelly Kilmer said...

LOVE the book and the cake is just too cool!!!!!

ayesha said...

That diaper cake makes me want to get pregnant just so you can make me one (of course I'm being silly).